Membership Services

Membership Services and Benefits

The association’s primary aim is to improve conditions and the terms of contract for contractors by:

  • assembling and distributing information and data of use to contactors.
  • encouraging uniform interpretation of contract documents.
  • providing a forum for communication and exchange of information among contractors, owners and government agencies and to encourage co-operation.
  • development and publication of appropriate rental rates for construction equipment.
  • promotion of safety in the construction industry.

Communications are critical to any industry and the NSRBA has achieved conspicuous success in its relations with government. The association’s membership benefits from open and frequent communications with the Dept. of Transportation. As well, many environmental problems have been avoided by the effective work of Association committees with the N.S. Dept. of the Environment and Fisheries and Ocean Canada.

The Nova Scotia Road Builders Association is the only group, which directly represents your interests and works on behalf of contractors and suppliers. The strength of the association is derived from the input provided by its members and you are invited to become part of it, and to bring the weight of your thinking and experience to bear on the challenges of our industry faces.