Event History


2016 Tapa Cat Rescue Donation

Left to right:  Gary Rudolph - NSRBA President, Angela Miller - President of Tapa Cat Rescue Society & Grant Feltmate - NSRBA Executive Director

2016 Turkey Club Donation

Left to right: Grant Feltmate-NSRBA Executive Director, Doug MacArthur-Volunteer Executive Director of The Turkey Club, Humphrey Longard-Director/Volunteer & Gary Rudolph-NSRBA President.


The Nova Scotia Road Builders Association donated $33,905 to the Colchester East Hants Hospice Society in support of Jason Fahey Legacy Fund.

Left to right:  (Doris Fahey, Bridget Fahey, Hospice Society Director - Craig Johnson, NSRBA Immediate Past President - Pam Sullivan, NSRBA President - Gary Rudolph, Peter Fahey, NSRBA Past President - Andrew Lake & NSRBA Executive Director - Grant Feltmate)


Congratulations to the 2016 NSRBA 14th Annual Golf Tournament Winners!!!  Great Job!

(Left to right:  Steve Hogan, Kenny Thomas, Larry Harding - Dexter Construction & Blair Faulkner - Bell Mobility)


NSRBA Asphalt Laydown Technician Course Class of 2016
NSRBA Honorary Membership was presented to Past President Mr. Ron Legere (presented by Gary Rudolph) whom has established a reputation for skill, integrity and responsibility to the road building industry thoughout his career.







2015 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation
Left to right:  Ron Legere - NSRBA Past President & Golf Tournament Chairman,
Kevin McKay - Operations Manager,  Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank & Pam Sullivan - NSRBA President 
2015 Tapa Cat Rescue Society Donation
Left to right:  Pam Sullivan - NSRBA President, Angela Miller and Ron Legere - NSRBA Past President
 Congratulations to the 2015 NSRBA 13th Annual Golf Tournament Winners: 
 Left to Right:  Rylan MacDow & Donald White - Shaw Group, Blair Faulkner Bell Mobility
(Absent: Chris Thompson - Roto-Mill)!



The Nova Scotia Road Builders Association made a $40,200 donation to the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home. On-hand for the official check presentation were representatives from both groups including Gerard MacEachern (left, R.K. board member), Bruce MacDonald (R.K. board member), Grant Feltmate ( NSRBA Executive Director), Gordon Morrison (R.K. board member), BJ Harvey (Cat Rentals), Greg MacDonald (NSRBA Past President), Pam Sullivan (NSRBA President), Ed McAlduff (R.K. board member), Donald Chisholm (NSRBA Past President), Butch Webber (R.K. elder, front left) and Bill Tutty (R.K. elder). PHOTO by Richard MacKenzie and provided by the Casket.


The Nova Scotia Road Builders Association were presented the 2014 Leadership Safety Award by the NSCSA on May 20th (left to right:  Gary Rudolph - NSRBA Vice President, Pam Sullivan - NSRBA President and Gordon Jacobs-  NSCSA Vice Chair)



 Congratulations to the 2014 NSRBA 12th Annual Golf Tournament Winners:
Phillip Cox, Lee Stark, & Bruce Fitzner  (Absent: Jeff Pinhey)


NSRBA Asphalt Laydown Technician Course Class of 2014 

  The 67th Annual General Meeting, which was held January 22nd and 23rd, once again confirmed its purpose by giving our members a broad overview of the associations’ directions, achievements and financial health.

The Honorable Geoff MacLellan spoke at the 67th Annual General Meeting and committed to having earlier tenders out in the fall of 2014 for the 2015 construction season along with an update as to the status of the asphalt plant, which was to be sold immediately upon the completion of the wording of the contract.

The Minister presented the 5 Year Highway Improvement Plan in which the Nova Scotia government plans to spend about $220 Million in 2014-15 on highway upgrades, bridge construction, bridge rehabilitation, new asphalt and resurfacing projects.   


Some Additional highlights from this year’s invigorating and social AGM include the following:


 2014 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation  
(left to right:  Ron Legere - NSRBA Past President & Golf Tournament Chairman, Greg MacDonald - NSRBA President, Hymphrey Longard - Director of Parker Street Food Bank & Roy Uffindell - Operations Manager Parker Street Food Bank and The Turkey Club)



 2014 TAPA Cat Rescue Society Donation   
(left to right:  Greg MacDonald ~ NSRBA President, Angela Miller & Ron Legere ~ NSRBA Past President)


 Truro Daily News Article: 2014 NSRBA Donation to the Third Place Transition House


 Honorary Membership was presented to past president Mr. Cecil Vance (Presented by Fred Benere) who has established a reputation for skill, integrity and responsibility to the road building industry throughout his career.


Presentation of the H.W.L. DOANE TROPHY was made to Wilcraft Concrete Services for the membered company that boasts the greatest improvement in accident frequency rate. (Presented to Dave Wilson, Wilcraft Concrete Services by Pam Sullivan- Basin Contracting)


Cumberland Paving was given the Workers Compensation Board Shield for having the best overall safety record in 2013. (Presented to Calvin Flight by Stuart MacLean, CEO of WCB)



Honorary Membership was presented to past president Mr. John W. Chisholm (Presented by Paul White) and Mr. Allister MacDonald (Presented by Greg MacDonald) to whom both established a reputation for skill, integrity and responsibility to the road building industry throughout their career.


 2013 TAPA Cat Rescue Society Donation   
(left to right:  Ron Legere ~ NSRBA Past President, Angela Miller & Andrew Lake ~ NSRBA President)



  2013 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation  
(left to right:  Andrew Lake - President of the NSRBA, Mel Boulitier-  the Chair of The Turkey Club & Ron Legere - Past President of the NSRBA)   
 Congratulations to the 2013 NSRBA 11th Annual Golf Tournament Winners: 
Pam Sullivan, Curtis Isenor, Jeff Sullivan & Brad Scott - The Basin Contracting Team!
   2013 NSRBA Silent Auction Donation to the CACL Antigonish
Nova Scotia Road Builders Association presented a donation of $25,000 to the CACL Antigonish a not for profit organization providing Vocational Programming for people with disabilities. The funds were raised through the items generously donated by the membership for a Silent Auction held at the NSRBA 66th Annual Convention in January.  (Left to right:  President Andrew Lake, Executive Director Grant Feltmate, Past President Donald Chisholm, CACL Executive Director Jeff Teasdale, Elizabeth MacDonald, Kelley Farrell and Past President as well as an Honorary Member of the NSRBA, Mr. John Chisholm)
   NSRBA Asphalt Laydown Technician Course Class of 2013 



 Congratulations to B. Spicer Construction Ltd, the company with the greatest improvement in accident frequency rate and winner of the H.W.L. Trophy for 2012. Presented to Jesse Spicer by Pam Sullivan - Basin Contracting Ltd
 2012 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation 
(left to right:  Donald Chisholm - President of the NSRBA, Mel Boulitier-  the Chair of The Turkey Club & Ron Legere - Past President of the NSRBA)
2012 TAPA Cat Rescue Society Donation 
(left to right: Angela Miller & Ron Legere ~ Past President of the NSRBA.)
 Congratulations to the 2012 NSRBA 10th Annual Golf Tournament Winners:
Andrew Jeans - Bird Stairs, Rylan MacDow - Shaw Group, Matt Brunt - Bird Stairs &
Steve Peters - Euclid!
 Congratulations to Mr. David MacKenna, President of Municipal Ready-Mix Limited, who was inducted into the Cape Breton Business Hall of Fame on
June 13, 2012.    
The Chair Award of Excellence for Safest Company in the Highways, Streets and Bridges Category was awarded to Cumberland Paving.
(Presented by Gary Rudolph - left to Jeremy Seymour - right)

2012 NSRBA Silent Auction Donation to the Tearmann House
Nova Scotia Road Builders Association Past President Ron Dunn (center) and Executive Director Grant Feltmate (right) presented a donation of $24,651 to Karen O'Hara, Executive Director of Tearmann House. The funds were raised through items donated by the membership for a Silent Auction at the NSRBA's Annual Convention in January.  Also shown are Tearmann Society staff members: Patricia Perry, Donna Smith, Paula Gerrior, Stephanie Duggan, Ayisha Williams-MacKay, Shelley Curtis-Thompson, Sharon Maloney and Lori Miller.


 NSRBA Asphalt Laydown Technician Course Class of 2012



2011 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation 
(left to right:  Ron Dunn - President of the NSRBA, Mel Boulitier-  the New Chair of The Turkey Club &
Ron Legere - Past President of the NSRBA)  


Congratulations to the 2011 NSRBA 9th Annual Golf Tournament Winners:   Tim Burke, Tony Breau, Paul Porter & Andrew Couturier of Bluewave Energy  


2011 AGM Silent Auction Donation to the Laing House
(left to right:  Hans Himmelman - Chair, Maureen Fraser-McLaughlin - Executive Director &
Brad Scott - President of the NSRBA) 





2010 NSRBA Turkey Club Donation
  (left to right:  Brad Scott - President of the NSRBA, Jack Cruickshank - Chair of the Turkey Club &  Ron Legere - Past President of the NSRBA) 
Congratulations to the 2010 NSRBA Golf Tournament Winners!  
(left to right:  David Brien, Roger Scott, Rob MacKinnon & Dave Johnson)    
NSRBA 2010 Donation to the Sackville Bedford Developmental Centre
Thanks to all our wonderful members/sponsors for making this possible!
(left to right: Guy Kendziora - McAsphalt Industries Ltd., Brad Scott - President of the NSRBA,
Anna Weagle - Program Director & BJ Harvey - CAT Rental)




NSRBA 2009 Turkey Club Donation - Thanks to all our sponsors!!
 (left to right:  Ron Legere - NSRBA Past President, Ken Thomas - NSRBA President &
Jack Cruickshank- Chair of the Turkey Club)

2009 Golf Tournament Winners Congratulations!
(left to right - Steve Deveau, Grant Feltmate, Greg Burke & Josh Campbell)




2005 the NSRBA proudly donated $3,475 to The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.